How to Lose Weight in the Urban Jungle.

Lots of books make weight loss programs seem extremely simple. Eat lots of vegetables and organic food. Avoid oily and processed food. Have time to exercise and breathe some fresh air. 

All of that is well and good - if you live on a farm. Not very many tackle the subject of how to lose weight in the hustle and bustle of the city. If you deal with a daily dose of school or work, here are a few tips to inject health and fitness into the frazzle.


Nowadays, walking is such an underrated activity. If you have the extra few minutes to spare, take a hike - literally - if you’re going somewhere that’s just several buildings or a few blocks away. 

Not only will you be saving money on gas or fare, but you’ll also be burning up additional calories. A ten-minute walk might not burn much, but two ten-minute walks daily will add up after a month.

Pack Lunch

It’s unavoidable to eat out when you’re outside for most of your waking hours, and that’s where sticking to a weight loss diet becomes a problem. A good, healthy diet simply isn’t compatible with typical fast food fare.
A simple solution would be to prepare lunch beforehand and then just bring it with you when you leave in the morning. You save money because you just pay for the cost of your ingredients. At the same time, you also get to choose exactly what goes into your food. No more asking for the nutrition information for you. With a packed lunch, you’re in control of your food - and your weight loss program with it.

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