A Weight Loss Program for Weekend Warriors.

If you’re one of the millions of people in the country who have a regular 9-to-5 job, you most likely have a weight loss program that’s executed ‘weekend warrior’ style. 

Sure, you might be using all the known techniques for quick weight loss between Friday and Monday, but you can take your program one step further. Here are a few handy ways to integrate your program into your Monday to Friday routine.

Supplement with a Good Diet

There’s really nothing you can do if you don’t have the hour to spare for exercise during weekdays. However, you can help maintain your exercise gains by keeping a good, healthy diet when you’re on employee mode.

Fast food fare and packaged, pre-processed lunches are part of the standard workday menu because they’re a convenient way to eat. However, they’re also the biggest sources of fats and unnecessary calories because of the way they’re made. Keep off all the weight that you lost during the weekend by eating a healthier workday meal, such as a salads or lean meats. Pack homemade food if you can’t find healthy fare near your workplace.

Don’t Forget Breakfast!

When you’re frantic and rushing in the morning, it’s very tempting to just skip breakfast just to make it to work in time.

Grab a quick sandwich or pack a serving of cereal to just eat on the way instead of skipping breakfast altogether. Not only does breakfast give you that initial jolt of energy to start your day, but it also sets the pace of all your metabolic processes. 

Once that’s out of whack, you’re likelier to overeat and at the same time fail to burn all the extra calories.

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