Eight to ten glasses per day might seem like a lot of water to drink at first, but that’s no reason for you to be apprehensive about it. There’s really no way for you to drink too much water because your body has numerous processes for osmoregulation, or balancing the concentration of water inside. And it’s these same processes that could be messing you and your weight loss program up when you don’t get enough H2O.
When you drink enough water every day, your body’s fine and dandy. But if you drink too little, your body thinks that there’s a water shortage and that the shortage will be for some time. Your body then goes into water conservation mode, wherein it tries to conserve what little it has.
As a result, some parts of your body are deprived of their usual supply of water. Have you ever experienced a really painful, mind-numbing headache on a warm day? That’s partly due to your brain – a large part of which is water – telling you that it’s running short on liquids. Drinking enough water isn’t just for weight loss; it’s to help your body maintain overall health and fitness.
Too little water in your body will also mean that you’re always feeling thirsty. The problem with that is ‘thirst’ feels an awful lot like ‘hunger,’ and you’re bound to mistake one for another. Sticking to a weight loss program is a lot more difficult if you’re always feeling thirsty (or hungry) – a problem that you can address with a simple glass of water.
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