Natural Weight Loss Tips: Watch Your Portions.

Do you want to learn how to lose weight when there’s so much food around you? Keep reading.

It must be a good sign when you’re able to afford to get a lot of food on your plate every time you eat. A good sign for your finances, however, might not bode well for your waistline. Large portions are often the culprit for weight gain, and you save yourself a lot of pounds just by keeping an eye out for those bingeing bonanzas.

Many restaurants and eating establishments - especially the not-so-fancy ones you frequent for workday meals - have more than one person’s serving of food per order. Forcing yourself to scarf everything on your plate could put a big hamper in your efforts to cut down on consumption. It’s time to change how you view your food or, at the very least, how you eat.

No matter what your mother told you when you were young, you don’t have to finish every single morsel on your plate. When the serving on the plate is enough for three people, you’re just asking for trouble -and extra weight- if you eat all of that down. Instead of tucking in, you could just divide the serving, eat just the portion you need to sate your hunger and then have the rest wrapped up to take home.

You could also try eating out with friends or co-workers so that you could split the servings - and the bill - between yourselves. Not only will this help you stick to your weight loss program, but it’ll also add a social dimension of fun to every meal. Think about all your savings from splitting the bill, too.

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