Easiest Ways to Lose Weight.

How to find the easiest ways to lose weight! If you sat down and made a list of each of the possible goals and objectives any one can have, losing weight is a fairly frequent choice. 

There is a literal blizzard of information out there — some of it quite contradictory — so let’s find out what works best to have success and triumph.

In order to learn how to lose weight, ask yourself first if you are ready to make the commitment to change. Without the proper mindset no weight loss regime will work. Perhaps you have had your moment of truth; you saw a photo of yourself that someone snapped at a family gathering or you searched desperately through your closet and found only one pair of pants you could still wear. Whatever the reason, you have had your make it or break it moment and you are ready to dive in and get started!

The 1st step is to cut out all of the bad foods and beverages.

Now we all know the bad foods. We are talking about processed foods that are high in calories, sodium and sugar. You may crave them, you may find yourself irresistibly drawn to the bakery or the fast food restaurant or the snack aisle of the supermarket. So what you are going to do is forget moderation, you are going to quit these foods cold turkey. Likewise, all liquid calories must go — soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, fancy high calorie coffees like cappuccino and espresso and lattes. Why this is important is so that you make a clean break from the foods that have enabled you to put on weight to begin with. Ideally rid your home of these foods, as they will be less tempting. Where is the easy part you may ask? 

Well this is ironically what works. When you stop eating the foods, you will stop craving them. While doing so, you will need to stay away from events or places that are a trigger. If you can’t imagine the movies without a bucket of 2,000 calorie popcorn, don’t go. It is very important to take this 1st step to be able to proceed with the next part.

The 2nd step is to consume only the foods that enhance your health.

By this we mean whole, natural foods that are high in nutrients. When you eat more of these foods, you will actually feel more satisfied and be able to curb your appetite. Eat plenty of the foods high in fiber and water content such as non-starchy vegetables. 

Just a few of these are cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, celery, spinach, cauliflower, Swiss chard, carrots, radishes, asparagus, artichokes, cucumber, eggplant, zucchini squash, yellow squash and many others. . Make sure you steer clear of eating too many fruits. While fruit is highly nutritious it is also high in simple sugars, and you may need to limit to just a couple of servings a day. Best choices are the berries — strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc. 

Other great choices include apples and pears. These fruits are high in fiber and comparatively lower in sugar than, say, pineapples or bananas. and also be sure to add whole grains to your diet. This means the whole intact grain — oatmeal and steel cut oats are a great choice. Likewise brown rice, barley, millet, quinoa. If you are a bit intimidated with some of these foods, don’t worry we’re going to get to the easy ways to incorporate them into your diet.

The 3rd step is eat small meals and snacks throughout the day and drink plenty of water, upwards of a gallon.

This will be very important since we know that the biggest challenge to dieting and losing weight is feeling hungry and deprived. Skipping meals all day will set you up for ravenous hunger and that defeated feeling when you succumb to your cravings. Make sure you steer clear of the error of eating too little. 

Crash diets and deprivation diets do not work! You may know this the hard way or you may still be tempted with the likes of Master Cleanse and the cabbage soup diet. The latter is actually on the right track in encouraging people to eat cabbage, but the key to success is to consume unlimited quantities of such vegetables, prepared without oils or fats. You can flavor them with spices and herbs as well as vinegar and lemon juice.

Diligently stick to the above 3 steps in your quest to to lose weight. In following the steps, be sure you do them properly, for those good reasons explained, avoiding the pitfalls. Then you can celebrate and enjoy the awards and benefits that come to those who successfully find the easiest ways to lose weight. To intensify your efforts make sure you are exercising every day. If you are just getting started, take a daily 30 minute walk and crank up the intensity over time. While there may be appeal in the idea of losing weight without exercising it is not among the easiest ways to lose weight because it’s as if you are setting aside half of your tools. The key is to find an activity that you like. If you like to play volleyball or soccer then get out and have fun! You will be exercising and not even know it. For more details on a step-by-step plan that’s helped many, be sure to check out the 31-day fat loss cure! You will find a structured program to help you in your efforts. But remember the easiest ways to lose weight is to have a plan and the determination to see it through!

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